MAC Red Lipstick | Review

By Sunday, November 30, 2014 ,

I am addicted to red lipsticks as you already know from one of my previous posts. However, this is my first MAC and I was really keen to try their products. I actually received this from my boyfriend as a gift. When I asked him why did he choose the red shade he told me he knows this is the shade I love. So there's the lipstick that's the most expensive from my collection. At first I wasn't very impressed and thought that it was a waste of money, but after a few days I really started to like it. It's a creamy lipstick, with a matte yet a natural shine (something in between) that doesn't dry out the lips and fades nicely. The color is a very vivid one, fully opaque and it glides on the lips evenly. I would say that the staying power is somewhere between 5-6 hours, maybe longer.This lipstick really makes me want to try more from MAC.

What do you think about this shade?

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1 comentarii

  1. […] la ei. Am facut cunostinta cu primul meu ruj MAC acum cativa ani, prin 2014 si am vorbit despre el aici. Imi amintesc ca am ramas cu o impresie puternica despre el, poate era si vorba despre faptul ca […]


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